I took this photo outside the Radiation Oncology department at Beaumont last year on Friday, October 31, 2008 where the radiation technologists were holding their annual pumpkin carving contest.
The date is significant for me because, as some of you know, that was my last day of radiation therapy for breast cancer which had been diagnosed on August 15th, 2008 -- a little over a year ago. (Picked up on a routine annual mammogram! Thank goodness I don't ignore them.)
I had two surgeries during that summer to obtain clear margins but now I am fully recovered. Halloween has become a "scary" time of year for me in more ways than I care to remember.
Yesterday was one of the first days since we've been home that Gil did not have a "good" day. He was really, really tired and slept most of the day. This was different from the fatigue he's been feeling each day. We didn't observe any other significant symptoms so we'll watch carefully over the next few days for any untoward developing symptoms that might indicate he's got some Graft vs. Host Disease showing up.
(Remember, some degree of GVD is what we want -- that critical balance that is desirable from a transplant point-of-view).
You take what you get
Add some good times and then,
Don't look back too far!