Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Clinic Days

This is the waiting area for the Bone Marrow Clinic outpatients. We're lucky that we've graduated for the time being to once-a-week appointments. Our next one is this coming Friday.

The wall above the clinic entryway is filled with recognition plaques for the generous donors who have made all this possible -- bringing together the experts in their fields so that the transplant recipients can get their cutting edge care in one convenient place.

In early December both of our "transplant" friends who I've mentioned before were released from their "one-hour's-driving-distance" restriction to go home where they can enjoy the rest of their recovery and reenter their normal lives and routines. Today we're headed to Lansing (where one of these friends lives) for another of our weekly Wednesday lunches.

Gil is feeling human again and is working daily from home on all matters of importance. We're grateful he has the energy and clarity of mind to contribute to ongoing research projects at Beaumont and administrative concerns when he can add something positive to the discussion.

Marika completed her first final exam early this week (dreaded physics) and has a few more to go on Saturday.

I sent her the following helpful hint prior to her physics final:

"Magnetism, as you recall from physics class, is a powerful force that causes certain items to be attracted to refrigerators." -- Dave Barry

She leaves Santa Barbara for Winter Break and drives to LA to celebrate Adam's birthday (he'll be 27) and fly home to Michigan the following day (December 11).

Evan gets home on December 22nd and will be here for a week.

Adam and Laura will head to Boston (Laura's home town) for the actual days before and after Christmas and then come to Michigan to join the rest of our family on December 28th.

My mom and brother are driving up from Louisville, Kentucky for the three days at Christmas so we will have a cheerfully full house.

In the meantime, getting ready to celebrate Chanukah on December 12th and buy the latke ingredients for our traditional spread!


Winter cold set in
Snow appeared overnight
Melting as I type this.

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